Still looking for a location!

How can you help?

We are always looking for new locations for our Meetups. If you want to host one of the events at your company drop us a line or mention us on twitter @LeipzigOnRails or contact one of the organizers:


Robert Schulze
Events: 3
Topics: 0


Martin Eismann
Events: 4
Topics: 0

How much space do we need?

There have been 6 Rubyists signed up on average for the latest events and there were about 0 to 1 presentations held. Those numbers are just guidelines, make sure to talk to one of the organizers when preparing the hosting.

If you don't have a lot of space, it's also possible to limit the number of participants.

What's needed for a Usergroup?

The location, of course, but there is more to it:

  • alcohol free beverages
  • beamer and adapters
  • beer (optional)
  • snacks/pizza (optional)
You don't need to make a fuss, we are cool with the bare minimum!

Thanks for your help!